A partir d'un élevage d'escargots à l'école : comment comprendre la notion du "vivant" ?

  • Stempfel-Le Bris, Charlotte
Publication date
May 2022


Life is a complex concept that evolves throughout schooling. Young children, including those in kindergarten, have erroneous representations that distort the acquisition of this concept. The introduction of snail farming in the junior and middle class allows the observation of the biological characteristics of living things: nutrition, reproduction, death, movement, growth. This is how the bases will be acquired to build this concept. The activities carried out upstream make it possible to define common biological specificities at the origins of the concept of “living”.Le vivant est un concept complexe qui évolue tout au long de la scolarité. Les jeunes enfants, dont ceux de l’école maternelle, ont des représentations erronées qui faussent ...

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